For the military, by the military

The mission of the Caisse Desjardins des militaires is to offer relevant financial assistance to members of the Canadian Forces and the Department of National Defence, both on an individual basis and a group basis, making a constant effort to improve quality of life and profitability.

Latest news and upcoming events

This is where you can follow our news about the Caisse's activities, the member dividends and the Community Support Fund. We invite you to follow us on Facebook and to click here if you wish to request financial support from the Caisse for one of your activities

June : Medical Transition: Have You Thought About Your Finances?

Career transition is a special time in a soldier's life, but even more so when it comes from a medical discharge. This release process is generally long and more restrictive, as the claiming process can take time.

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May: Career Transition and Finance: Adjusting Tax deduction at Source

All Canadian residents pay income taxes. Generally, those taxes are paid through deductions at source. Employers and pension plan administrators are responsible for withholding the amounts set by the revenue agencies.

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April : Career Transition: Prepare Yourself Financially

Your financial security is important to your well-being. A stable situation, with sufficient resources, is a goal to achieve or maintain for peace of mind.

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February: Career transition: An Important Toolkit

As I mentioned in my last column, you have to achieve several essential milestones to perform a successful career transition. In the face of the inevitable, everyone must catch up as much as possible on how to go through these stages.

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January: Military Career: Successfully Navigating a Career Transition

Over the last 30 years, I have helped employees of the Department of National Defence transition from one career to another, whether this change was voluntary, mandatory, or due to medical reasons.

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2022 member dividend

Member dividend in 2022

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Member dividend for 2019

The Desjardins Military Credit Union will return $529,408 in member dividends to its members for the year 2019. This is over $1 million in member dividends redistributed within the military community in 2 years!

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